Dec 15, 2007

Step 2: Plan

The most important part of this entire process is to have a plan. Know what you are going to make, do and when you are going to do it. Making a multitouch interface has many steps, some of which take several hours to complete. Budgeting your time according to a plan is necessary.

Here is my plan:
Sketch out interface and determine size.
Building frame
Get acrylic
Make and install Silicon rubber sheet
Make LED frames
Wire and Mount LEDs
Hack camera
Test LEDs
Adjust for any problems
Get software
Test software
Install Projector
Test finished setup
Adjust for any problems

This is a an overview of the entire process. Obviously some of these things can be started earlier. I have been looking at different software available since the beginning of this process, but was unable to actually test any of it until the LEDs are installed. So make a plan.

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