Not all webcams are the same so you may want to search around for your specific camera, someone may have detailed images of the insides of it.
First, take the back off the camera by unscrewing it. My webcam had one screw holding it together and one side of the plastic frame snapped into the front of the frame.
Slowly take the backing off the camera. My camera had the circuit board connected to the backing, while the front came right off with nothing attached to it.
Take the lens off the circuit board. My camera was screwed in, so I unscrewed it and carefully removed it.
Again, most cameras have multiple lenses so you will have to find the IR filter lens. I found several people online write that the IR lens is tinted red. This was not the case for me and all of the lenses were in a plastic tube, one of top the next. So I just cut the last lens off with my exacto knife. My intention was to lay them out in order from back to front if I had to remove more. I tested it after removing this lens by putting the tube of lenses back into the circuit board and plugging it in to my computer, then point it at some lights or at your TV remote while holding a button down. I got lucky, the first lens I cut out was the IR lens.
Here is my camera with the IR lens removed. I'm holding a button down on my TV remote.

Now you want to block visible light. This can be done with 35mm film that has been fully exposed and developed. All I did was pull a whole roll of film out of the casing, run a light over it all. Then roll it back into the casing and get it developed, remember to ask for process only not prints.
Cut some of your film into a small circle the size of the lens you just removed. It doesn't have to be perfect, just enough to fit where the lens was. You want two of these circles in order to block all the visible light. This film will not block InfraRed light. So place your two circles of film in the camera where the IR filter was. Carefully reassemble your camera, being sure that the film doesn't slide out from its spot. Plug your camera in and look around your house with it. You will see light coming from most houselights, some computer screens, and tv screens but everything else is just black.
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